8 Prediction
8.1 Introduction
- In the previous section, a linear regression tot model the relationship between wood density and timber hardness was established
- The coefficients of the linear model - the regression intercept and the slop - were found
- In this section, the coefficients will be used to predict timber hardness from new density values
install.packages("ggplot2", repos = "https://cran.us.r-project.org")
install.packages("dplyr", repos = "https://cran.us.r-project.org")
install.packages("SemiPar", repos = "https://cran.us.r-project.org")
8.2 Predicting timber hardness from wood density
- Predicting wood hardness from a known density value
- Rather than using \(y = mx + b\) to solve for y, we can use tools in R
- The model that was created in the last section has data that encompasses density values of between 20-70 lbs/\(ft^3\) and correspondingly, up to about 3000 units on the janka timber hardness scale
Reload janka data:
The estimates of the intercept and slope are:
#> (Intercept) dens
#> -1160.49970 57.50667
To find timber hardness for a density value of 65:
coef(janka.ls1)[1] + coef(janka.ls1)[2] *65 #b + mx = timber hardness value
#> (Intercept)
#> 2577.434
- numbers in brackets refer to which coefficent
- 1 refers to the intercept
- 2 refers to the slope
We can accomplish the same thing with the predict function:
predict(object = janka.ls1, #the model used to make the prediction
newdata = list(dens=65)) #the value(s) we want to make the prediction for
#> 1
#> 2577.434
By default, a prediction is made for all 36 density values:
predict(object = janka.ls1)
#> 1 2 3 4 5 6
#> 259.9152 265.6658 409.4325 472.6899 472.6899 507.1939
#> 7 8 9 10 11 12
#> 581.9525 719.9686 886.7379 1053.5073 1070.7593 1099.5126
#> 13 14 15 16 17 18
#> 1105.2633 1134.0166 1157.0193 1174.2713 1180.0220 1180.0220
#> 19 20 21 22 23 24
#> 1306.5366 1473.3060 1536.5633 1611.3220 1801.0940 1801.0940
#> 25 26 27 28 29 30
#> 1910.3567 2059.8741 2088.6274 2134.6328 2151.8848 2243.8954
#> 31 32 33 34 35 36
#> 2278.3994 2634.9408 2715.4502 2795.9595 2813.2115 2813.2115
- These are the fitted values (predictions) we saw last chapter - the data points on the regression line
- The density (x) values are fed into the model (the \(y = b + mx\) equation model) and the output is the fitted or predicted values
- R calculates the fitted values by combining the estimates of the coefficents with the model matrix (X-matrix)
Take a look at the model matrix:
#> (Intercept) dens
#> 1 1 24.7
#> 2 1 24.8
#> 3 1 27.3
#> 4 1 28.4
#> 5 1 28.4
#> 6 1 29.0
#> (Intercept) dens
#> 31 1 59.8
#> 32 1 66.0
#> 33 1 67.4
#> 34 1 68.8
#> 35 1 69.1
#> 36 1 69.1
- (Intercept), here, refers to the other (response) variable, in this case, hardness
- just like we have seen with display(janka.ls1)
- the column of 1s include the value that we rarely see in model formulas:
janka.ls1 <- lm(formula = 1 + #shows that 1 is factored into the model as a starting point for the model calculation
hardness ~ dens, data = janka)
- as in:
\(y = b\cdot1 + m\cdot x\)
- here, the intercept, b, is multiplied by 1
\(y = b\cdot1 + m\cdot x\)
To calculate the predicted hardness for a wood sample with the lowest density, we take the estimated values of intercept and slope:
#> (Intercept) dens
#> -1159.49970 57.50667
and combine them with values from the first row of the model matrix:
#> (Intercept) dens
#> 1.0 24.7
like so:
-1160.49970*1 +57.50667*24.7
#> [1] 259.915
- this translates to \(b\cdot1 + m\cdot x = 259.915\) in which:
- \(b\) = -1160.49970
- \(m\) = 57.50667
- \(x\) = 24.7
R figures this out more easily (and precisely without rounding error):
coef(janka.ls1)[1] * model.matrix(janka.ls1)[1,1] +
coef(janka.ls1)[2] * model.matrix(janka.ls1)[1,2]
#> (Intercept)
#> 260.9152
8.3 Confidence intervals and prediction intervals
It’s easy to plot data with a regression line plus a 95% CI:
Fig8_1 <- ggplot(janka, aes(x=dens, y = hardness)) + geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method = "lm")
#> `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
- Remember that the 95% CI reflects our confidence in the average relationship - the regression line itself (conveys the inferential uncertainty)
- Now we want to use this relationship to predict new y values (hardness) of new wood samples based on their x values (density)
- We need to accompany our prediction with an interval that shows our confidence in it
- The 95% CI does not achieve this
- Instead, we use the a prediction interval (PI), which conveys inferential uncertainty because it shows our confidence in our estimate of the regression relationship
- There is scatter around the regression line so there is inherently some uncertainty with the prediction of new y values based on corresponding x values (predictive uncertainty)
- PI is quantified through residual variance (the residual or error mean square)
- The
functiton will provide the SE, the upper/lower bounds of the confidence interval, OR the upper and lower bounds of the prediction interval (PI) (95% PI is the default)
Calculate the point estimate based on an x (density) value:
predict(janka.ls1, newdata = list(dens=65),
se = TRUE) #display standard error
#> $fit
#> 1
#> 2578.434
#> $se.fit
#> [1] 53.46068
#> $df
#> [1] 34
#> $residual.scale
#> [1] 183.0595
Now the same point estimate with a 95% CI:
predict(janka.ls1, newdata = list(dens=65), interval = "confidence")
#> fit lwr upr
#> 1 2578.434 2469.789 2687.079
Finally, the prediction of hardness based on the same density value with a 95% prediction interval:
predict(janka.ls1, newdata = list(dens=65), interval = "predict")
#> fit lwr upr
#> 1 2578.434 2190.873 2965.996
- The process of generating predicted values and their corresponding PIs can be extended to a range of x values
- But we only have 36 density values and they are not evenly spread
- We need to generate a longer, regular sequence of x values (i.e. 100 equally spaced values) to get a smooth interval
Create the sequence:
xseq <- seq(from = min(janka$dens),
to = max(janka$dens),
length.out = 100) #number of values between the min and max parameters
Use the newly generated sequence to create a dataframe of all of the new predicted values and their respective PIs:
prediction_interval <-
predict(janka.ls1, newdata = list(dens = xseq), interval = "predict")
#> fit lwr upr
#> 1 260.9152 -128.610798 650.4411
#> 2 286.7060 -102.305865 675.7179
#> 3 312.4969 -76.011353 701.0052
#> 4 338.2878 -49.727303 726.3029
#> 5 364.0787 -23.453754 751.6111
#> 6 389.8695 2.809255 776.9298
Add the x values to the dataframe:
fig_data <- data.frame(xseq, prediction_interval)
#> xseq fit lwr upr
#> 1 24.70000 260.9152 -128.610798 650.4411
#> 2 25.14848 286.7060 -102.305865 675.7179
#> 3 25.59697 312.4969 -76.011353 701.0052
#> 4 26.04545 338.2878 -49.727303 726.3029
#> 5 26.49394 364.0787 -23.453754 751.6111
#> 6 26.94242 389.8695 2.809255 776.9298
- this allows us to plot the values on an x and y plot
Rename the dataframe variable names to more familiar ones:
fig_data <- rename(fig_data, dens = xseq, hardness = fit)
#> dens hardness lwr upr
#> 1 24.70000 260.9152 -128.610798 650.4411
#> 2 25.14848 286.7060 -102.305865 675.7179
#> 3 25.59697 312.4969 -76.011353 701.0052
#> 4 26.04545 338.2878 -49.727303 726.3029
#> 5 26.49394 364.0787 -23.453754 751.6111
#> 6 26.94242 389.8695 2.809255 776.9298
Redraw the figure with the CI (in blue) and the PI (in grey):
Fig8_2 <- ggplot(janka, aes(x = dens, y =hardness)) + geom_point() +
geom_smooth(data = janka, method = "lm", fill = "blue") +
geom_smooth(data = fig_data, aes(ymin = lwr, ymax = upr), stat = "identity")
#> `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x'
- major takeaway: the PI is much wider than the CI
- but more datapoints would make both more narrow